Used Celluma two times a week for 4 weeks. Pictures from Celluma website.
Used Celluma two times a week for 5 week. Pictures from Celluma website.
Celluma Pro
Award winning 3-in-1 LED device. Non-invasive treatment for acne, wrinkles, and pain.
Celluma is the only panel device FDA-cleared to treat with blue, red, and infrared simultaneously.
Anti-aging: Using wavelengths that are scientifically proven to stimulate fibroblast to increase collagen and elastin, Celluma’s low-level light therapy is a safe, effective and convenient way to achieve a healthy youthful glow in a natural, non-toxic, non-invasive manner.
Acne: The Celluma light therapy works safely and effectively, without abrasive chemicals, harmful UV-rays, or side effects to destroy acne-causing bacteria - not only clearing up existing blemishes, but preventing future breakouts before they happen.
Pain: Celluma provides comprised cells with the energy to regain and restore vitality naturally. Its powerful, deeply penetrating wavelengths are absorbed by photoreceptors in the mitochondria. This process increases the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) the fuel that drives all cells. This boost of cellular energy results in a cascade of metabolic events leading to an increase in micro-circulation, tissue repair, and a decrease in inflammation and pain.
Best results from light come if you can do a series of 12-16 over the course of 6-8 weeks. However the light does continue to build with each treatment so incorporating it into your monthly facials is extremely beneficial as well. Ask me how you can use Celluma at home.
Check out more info on Celluma here
Add on full body LED therapy with the Deluxe panel. Helps reduce inflammation in the body, reduce body acne, and tighten and tone the skin.
Celluma Deluxe
Add on the Celluma deluxe to any treatment 30 minutes or more to reduce inflammation in the body, help with body acne, rosacea, eczema, scars, wrinkles, and reducing fat.
Celluma Contour
Experience whole-body wellness with the Celluma CONTOUR - the first LED Light Therapy device FDA-cleared on an Over-The-Counter basis for Body Contouring. It's the only light therapy device in the world for body contouring that's also FDA cleared to treat aging skin and pain in one device. CONTOUR is truly one-of-a-kind.
How does CONTOUR work? Red and near-infrared light activate adipocytes (fat cells), creating temporary pores in the cell membranes. During treatment, fat lipids empty out into the interstitial fluids of the body and are excreted through the body's normal metabolic processes. This results in smaller fat cells, and a slimmer you.
Celluma Contour! Shrinks fat cells!
One 30 minute session of the Celluma Contour. Shrinks fat cells. Maintain with healthy diet and lifestyle.