Procell Microchanneling
Procell is an award winning device and has garnered a reputation as the gold standard of microneedling and does not take shortcuts in its design.
Image from Procell Therapies
Image from Procell Therapies
How it WORKS
Precise microchannels are made uniformly into the skin
Each channel is surrounded by healthy tissue and initiation of new collagen forms
Repeated process will build new collagen improving the texture and over all tone of the skin
Comparison to Microneedling
Channels are more direct and effectively placed in the skin as opposed to potential drag and extra unnecessary injury.
Cleaner channels means quicker healing: 90 minutes instead of 4 hours
Quicker procedure time
Less discomfort for clients
Image from Procell Therapies
Images from Procell Therapies
Procell MD System
Our cells make hundreds of Growth Factors and Cytokines, functioning as signaling molecules from cell to cell and instructing the metabolic machinery within cells. Biosignals produced from labratory culture of different cell types vary greatly: some are anti-aging, while others are actually pro-aging. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have determined that lab cultured Growth Factors and Cytokines derived from adult human bone marrow stem cells are both strongly anti-inflammatory and anti-aging.
Procell serums contain growth factors derived from human bone marrow stem cell cultures which produce a potent anti-inflammatory effect that reduces healing time, hyper pigmentation, and scar tissue deposition. These growth factors support cellular renewal and have strong regenerating properties to improve skin firmness, elasticity, and tone. The appearance of scarring improves, fine lines and wrinkles diminish over time, and skin looks and feels brighter, more luminous and healthy.
Images from Procell Therapies
Q: How many treatments do I need?
A: The number of treatments range greatly depending on what you are treating and the severity. For light anti-aging treatments, 2-3 treatments may be sufficient. For deeper wrinkles and acne scarring, 4-6 treatments may be required to achieve desired results. There is no limit to the number of treatments that one can receive as long as adequate time passes in between each treatment.
Q: How long should I wait between treatments?
A: Leave at least 3 weeks in between treatments to let the healing cascade complete.
Q: What will this improve the appearance of?
A: Microchanneling improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, (non-raised) keloid scarring, stretch marks, hair loss, and rosacea.
Q: How long is downtime?
A: Wait a minimum of 90 minutes before applying anything else to the skin including sunscreen, makeup, moisturizer, and anything else apart from the remainder of the vial of microneedling solution. Leave 2-3 days before resuming the use of irritating or inflammatory skin products. Visible skin irritation is often gone after as little as two hours.